Sunday 3 March 2019

Whatever happened to...

Whatever happened to these little darlings?  One's now has a baby of her own and the other is still batting his big blue eyes to charm everyone into getting what he wants.  To me both still gorgeous.

Yesterday I attended a Clarity based workshop with my friend 'the masked woman' (see followers).  The list of things we had to take along was so long it was rather like moving house for the day. 
These workshops are always really good and Angela who runs them always gets me out of my comfort zone trying new techniques and products. 

Yesterday we used Leonie's first stencils for Clarity and made backgrounds and a canvas.  I hadn't made a canvas like this since the first craft retreat I went on (Sue Tossell), and had a good time choosing which way to use the stencil, colours etc and generally having a play and getting my fingers nice and inky.   Not sure about the finished product, very not me, but as the main image is of my pride and my boy I shall prop it up somewhere where I can look and remember the lovely times we had when they were young.


  1. I don't know why your not sure of the finished project Karen, I think it's fantastic. I love the colours and the wonderful picture that you've used too.

    Sue xx

  2. Thank you Sue, you're very kind. It is growing on me - sometimes you have to step away for a while to be able to see what you've done.
